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Isarsoft Perception for Smart Airports

The Isarsoft Perception suite of video analytics applications delivers precise data for better optimization, mobility planning and passenger experiences.


September 14, 2022

Isarsoft Perception detecting individual people in a queue, to aid the process of queue management.

Airports are busy places that witness high footfall counts on a daily basis. It is important, therefore, to employ smart technology to simplify operational processes and ensure a smooth customer experience.

European airports did not experience a good start to the summer season this year. As passenger counts increased, overtaxed airport systems failed to function efficiently with frequent flight cancellations, delays and misplaced baggage.

Isarsoft Perception is equipped with features that help resolve these issues. The aim is to foster an environment that features better planning, optimization and security processes. 

Airport Planning

The arena of airport planning deals with all long term decisions and changes, based on the data Isarsoft Perception collects. As is the case with any functioning location, an airport has a lot of infrastructure to keep an eye on. 

Through the use of a data-based system of management, shorter routes can be devised in and around the airport to save time and improve accessibility. Airport infrastructure can be expanded and improved upon to keep up with increasing passenger volumes by analyzing different areas and their occupancy statistics.

Airports, unsurprisingly, witness a lot of traffic every day. Through the process of data collection and analysis, comfort can be capitalized upon in order to create a more holistic experience for passengers. This includes the optimal curation and placement of washrooms, sitting areas, restaurants and shopping outlets. 

Airport Optimization

How often have you been confronted with a long queue at the security checkpoint of an airport, or at the luggage carousel? This problem is a common fixture in airports and was reported to have worsened in 2022 owing to a culmination of increased passenger volumes and staff shortages.

Isarsoft Perception is configured to bring an end to avoidable delays and queues - all by keeping accurate records of footfall. The data allows problem analysts and decision makers to implement measures that prevent the gathering of large crowds, general chaos and bottlenecks.

Isarsoft Perception can aid the establishment of chaos-free, accessible areas within the airport.

Queue management done right is also directly linked to increased customer satisfaction, and thereby, better business functions.

Furthermore, Isarsoft Perception comes equipped with the function of carrying out luggage analysis. This shortens waiting times at the baggage carousel and counters and also can be used to identify misplaced luggage.

Airport Security

Adequate and effective security protocol must be followed at all times in airports. It is, therefore, necessary to be able to provide security personnel with the means to react quickly.

Isarsoft Perception alerts staff to safety-critical situations, thus ensuring constant protection of the passengers. The software can also be used to identify those in need of assistance. Personnel then initiates appropriate measures to provide timely help.

Isarsoft Perception can be used to identify lost luggage and aid risk-minimization.

Finally, the lost luggage identification feature goes a long way in identifying and eliminating items of potential risk.

More about Isarsoft

With Isarsoft Perception, your camera systems become part of your business intelligence. Whether the goal is to increase efficiency, customer satisfaction or safety, Isarsoft Perception provides the insights needed for informed decisions.

The Isarsoft Perception Dashboard

Contact us, to learn more about how to turn security cameras into intelligent sensors.

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