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Road Traffic and Parking Lot Analysis

The movement to create smart, sustainable cities is well underway in Germany. This involves the implementation of video analytics to collect data and utilize it to track and detect trends, aberrations and general updates.


January 30, 2023

A city in the night time.

The European Green Deal aims for a climate-neutral continent by the year 2050. This means many things but signifies, most importantly, the need for a more sustainable traffic system. The key to achieving this lies in Isarsoft Perception’s suite of applications that are aimed at traffic and city management. In this article, we discuss both road traffic and parking lots.

The arena is split into three broad categories- Planning, Optimization and Security. Each deals with a specific aspect of Isarsoft Perception’s functionality.


Traffic Planning

Traffic planning deals with variables such as the monitoring of construction sites, infrastructure usage monitoring and the coordination of traffic guidance systems. All of these point towards the broader theme of urban planning - a move most governments have already made in order to boost livability standards around the world.

Isarsoft Perception is configured to provide solutions to traffic-critical situations and related KPIs such as congestion, highly frequented roads, velocity statistics and suspicious behavior.

Traffic Optimization 

Traffic measurement, or more pertinently, consistent traffic measurement is important to counteract increasing traffic in real time. Isarsoft Perception offers users a reliable system of data collection and analysis that can not just be used to build a database, but can also be used to gain relevant insights on traffic statistics via KPI measurement.

Isarsoft Perception’s vehicle identification allows real-time detection, while its set of visualizations allows users to measure velocity, dwell time and individual trajectories. The other heat maps in the list include a path map and a position map, that help users assess travel routes.

One of the biggest uses of data garnered from video analytics is that it can be used towards optimizing traffic on a large scale. Once enough data is observed, trends emerge. These are useful when making implementations to traffic such as the expansion of roads, construction of e-charging stations and parking lots, and setting up signage.

Traffic Security 

The final point in the list - ensuring security in the traffic sector is, understandably, of the utmost importance.

Isarsoft Perception’s heat maps can be used to detect errant driving and wrong-way drivers. This, in turn, creates higher standards of safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Furthermore, the software can be used to identify and apprehend vehicles found overspeeding or breaking traffic rules.

Parking Lot

Parking Lot Planning

The planning that goes into the construction of a parking lot largely determines its efficiency and efficacy. It is, therefore, important to ensure that the planning and maintenance processes are handled well.

Isarsoft Perception lets users optimize a parking facility by identifying various customer needs such as high-traffic areas, accessibility, safety requirements, etc.

Parking Lot Optimization

The optimization of parking lots via video analytics is a major contributor to helping curb congestion. A software such as Isarsoft Perception allows users access to a highly precise database which can be used to implement a data-based method of sustainability. 

Parking Lot Security

Isarsoft Perception allows users to implement enhanced levels of safety in parking facilities. Alarms can be created to alert personnel to safety-critical circumstances and swift action can be taken hence.

More about Isarsoft

With Isarsoft Perception, your camera systems become part of your business intelligence. Whether the goal is to increase efficiency, customer satisfaction or safety, Isarsoft Perception provides the insights needed for informed decisions.

Isarsoft Perception Dashboard
The Isarsoft Perception Dashboard.

Contact us, to learn more about how to turn security cameras into intelligent sensors.

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